Thursday, October 16, 2014


Taper week is boring!!!

And I actually AM trying to taper!..kinda.  This week I've done a couple of shorter runs (shorter and slower), and GASP a full rest day!  Some spinning tonight, and maybe a quick little run tomorrow before flying down to SF for the Nike Women's Half Marathon.

I also took is pretty easy last week, so I feel really lazy right about now.  And it's "only" a half marathon so I feel like this is all silly and not very necessary..but hey, doesn't hurt to try to actually follow it for once, right?  I have a couple months to kinda chill out and not stress about following any particular schedule, and just focus on maintaining everything and I figure I need to appreciate it and try to enjoy it.  :)  I feel a little guilty..but I also don't feel like i NEED to be doing a ton more.  I feel like I should, but my body is kinda ok with being lazy so just tryign to soak it up and give it the rest.  Certainly going to start doing a lot more work in just a few months... ;)

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